It's your weekly Democratic Dispatch ✨

 👏 One Week Until Caucus 👏


Caucus week is around the corner and we couldn't be more excited. We want to thank our county officers, precinct officers, and volunteers for the hours of hard work putting together caucus. We couldn't do this without all of you and are excited to join in on this Colorado tradition!


To find your precinct check out the Secretary of  State website here.


To see the most up-to-date caucus information by county click here.


So why do we caucus?


The purpose of caucus is to recruit and elect local precinct organizers, elect delegates to determine which Democratic candidates will appear on the Democratic Primary ballot and to recruit volunteers and election judges.  It is a great chance to get to know your neighbors and meet other people who care about the issues you do who want to make the world a better place.


How to help!

We want to come together for caucus! Some counties need help phone banking to reach fellow Dems.


How Colorado's Automatic Voter Registration System is Doubling Voter Registration while Saving Taxpayers Money


Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) expansion was passed into law in 2019 due to Secretary of State Jena Griswold working closely with the Colorado legislature. They oversaw the implementation in May 2020 and since then research by political scientists Dr. Justin Grimmer and Dr. Jonathan Rodden of Stanford University, show that by expanding the AVR and other administrative improvements Colorado registers an additional 200,000 voters per year. This happens by simply registering voters by updating their addresses and having people register at the DMV.


To read SB19-235, the bill to streamline and expand Automatic Voter Registration which passed in 2019 was sponsored by Senator Steve Fenberg, Senator Jessie Danielson, Representative Daneya Esgar, and Representative Kyle Mullica.


For more information on registering to vote or updating your registration, please visit


More information on Dr. Justin Grimmer and Dr. Jonathan Rodden’s research can be found HERE.


Welcome Amy! New Call Time Assistant for CDP!


I am the mom of two adult children, a wife and an avid volunteer. I've been volunteering for the El Paso County Democratic Party for the past 5 years and am currently the 1st Vice Chair.  I'm passionate about democratic politics, especially climate change, campaign finance reform and universal healthcare. I've also worked in many elections in El Paso County as an election judge and a canvas board member.  I'm super passionate about election accessibility and dispelling misinformation about election integrity.


Holding a bachelors and masters in computer science, I worked in the software industry for 15+ years as a software engineer and project manager.


Originally from MN, by way of WI, OR and CA, I came to CO in 2005 with my family to enjoy the quality of life, beautiful scenery, skiing and hiking.


Caucus Week 2022

March 1st - 5th


Save the date because Caucus is almost here! Make sure you are registered as a Democrat to participate. 


You can find the most up-to-date information here.


Farewell Senate President Leroy Garcia


Yesterday we said farewell to Senate President Leroy Garcia – a 6th generation Southern Coloradan, former U.S. Marine Corps veteran, paramedic, and college professor.


President Garcia devoted his time to serving the people of Pueblo for the last 10 years and became the first latino Senate President in Colorado's history leading the legislative body for the last three years.


We wish President Garcia the best of luck in his new role at the Pentagon!


Monte Vista Crane Festival

March 11 - 13

Sandhill Cranes and other migratory birds follow a long route during their seasonal migrations. Along the way, there are many places where you can stop and view these beautiful creatures. So what makes the Monte Vista Crane Festival Unique? We believe it is a combination of unmatched scenery, exceptional wildlife viewing, and the friendly, welcoming communities of the San Luis Valley.


At the Monte Vista Crane Festival you can enjoy thousands of Sandhill Cranes, ducks, and geese flying against a backdrop of mountain scenery. Raptors will adorn the power poles and owls will be sitting with their young. A visit to the Monte Vista Crane Festival is an opportunity to see an amazing natural spectacle as well as experience a unique rural community.




Date: Saturday, June 4th @ 6PM

Join us in celebrating the 2020 and 2021 Election accomplishments! Join old friends and meet new allies from across our state to kick off the work needed to elect Democrats across Colorado in 2022. Space will be limited due to COVID-19, so tickets will sell out FAST! Buy your ticket or become a sponsor *now* before the year is over! Or join us for a virtual option!


Visit the website to buy tickets this Friday!


Email [email protected] to join our scholarship waitlist.


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