
My parents raised me to believe that to be a true part of your community, it’s not enough just to pay your taxes, or shovel your driveway, or say “Hi!” at the grocery store. You need to actually listen to each other and work together to solve problems.

Minnesotans are known for listening to each other — it’s one of the many reasons I love this state. Even when people disagree, folks are willing to respect each others’ opinions.

As I have always seen it, if you really listen to people, you’ll find everybody has a story worth hearing. Everybody has a problem worth working to solve. And when it comes to making big decisions as a community, everyone deserves a seat at the table.

So, I’m asking you to join me at the table. Help me do a better job of answering to folks like you by filling out my quick priorities survey. Your feedback is important to me.

These days, the weight of our problems can feel overwhelming, but little by little, we’re making progress. Legislating in Washington is never fast, rarely pretty, but make no mistake, we’re solving problems for the American people, growing our economy, and bringing Minnesota’s values to the national stage.

I’ll be sitting down with my team in the coming days to strategize our agenda for the next few months, so thank you in advance for helping to guide our conversations.

— Tina