Cease Fire PA Action


Shots fired over a parking spot. That is where we are right now in the fight to end gun violence.

Friend, in Philadelphia alone, more than 300 people have been shot since 2022 started. All across Pennsylvania, we continue to be impacted by the scourge of two crises: constant gun violence and politicians who refuse to take action. If we take action on the latter, we will save lives. Let me fill you in on how you can get involved right now.

The state of play in Harrisburg is not pretty. Dozens of great bills get proposed every session, and a few Republican leaders get to use their majority status to kill these bills before they ever get a chance to be heard by colleagues or the public. Meanwhile, over and over, they waste time and our tax dollars to propose deeply harmful bills that are guaranteed to increase gun violence. They know all too well that Governor Wolf will veto, yet they waste everyone’s time and energy holding people hostage to the debates of the most extreme interests.

The only thing that will change this dynamic is you. I’ll be honest with you - we have a ton more organizing to do to change the tide here, but if it wasn’t possible to do, I wouldn’t waste your time.

We need to pass our Common Agenda, a proposal that would drastically reduce the amount of gun violence in our communities. It has three parts to it, and I hope you’ll support all three legislative proposals.

Pennsylvania has no requirement for gun owners to report their firearms lost or stolen. This effectively creates an easy black market for illegal gun sales. We are proposing a legal requirement to report a lost or stolen gun to law enforcement within 72 hours of learning this information. Approximately 21 guns “go missing” in Pennsylvania every single day. 

Pennsylvania has a great background system, except for a loophole that allows certain types of guns to be purchased without one. These types of guns are often used in mass shooting incidents. We are proposing a universal background check system for all gun sales, no matter the type of gun. No responsible gun owner fears a background check, and this measure will make all of us safer.

Pennsylvania has no straightforward law that allows a judge to temporarily remove guns from a home or person in which a person is exhibiting signs that they are a harm to themselves or others. We are proposing an extreme risk protection order bill that would do just that, and give people the space and resources to get the support they need during this time. In states with such a law on the books, a life is saved for every 10-20 orders.

We need you to organize like your life depends on it, because it does. The current rate of gun violence basically guarantees that you or someone you love will be directly impacted, if you haven’t already. Take action on every proposal you support, because your lawmaker needs to hear from you.

Before I go, there’s one more thing I need you to do.

Share the link below on your social media channels, and get your friends involved. We have a great deal of power in numbers, and as you read this email, another family likely got a call that will change their life forever.


Thank you for all that you do.

Adam Garber



¹ https://controller.phila.gov/philadelphia-audits/mapping-gun-violence/#/2022




P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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