There were hours of torrential downpour, tens of thousands of people were without power, and the Schuylkill River flooded overnight, covering nearby roadways and almost completely submerging cars underwater.




When I first announced my campaign for Congress, people told me to wait my turn.


Their logic? The incumbent would be retiring soon, so I should just wait until he decides to step down and run for the open seat. Challenging an entrenched incumbent funded by corporations and special interests is a hard journey. Winning is even harder.


But my answer to people saying “wait your turn” is always the same — we are in the middle of multiple crises that are destroying lives, communities, and our entire planet. If we care about our future at all, we need to act now.


One of the crises — the climate crisis — is literally showing up at our doorstep. Just take a look at this photo from last year's flooding in Philadelphia:

People told me to wait my turn, but the truth is we can’t wait any longer. 


Extreme weather events are our new reality. This moment demands urgency and political courage from our representatives in Congress, but right now, my opponent isn’t doing anything to solve it. He wasn’t even willing to cosponsor bold climate legislation like the Green New Deal, and despite campaigning on a green platform and a 100% rating from Clean Water Action, he holds as much as $140,000 in shares of notorious polluters like ExxonMobil and Canadian oil sands extractor Suncor


That’s why on Sunday supporters and I crossed the river into Delaware to join a protest in front of President Biden's palatial Greenville home aimed at putting pressure on him to take more aggressive and significant action on our climate. 

Speaking in front of the Biden Residence.

John, I’m the only candidate in this race who supports the Green New Deal and bold climate legislation at the scale of the crisis we’re facing.


Will you join me in replacing a right-wing oil-sponsored Democrat so we can fight for the Green New Deal and bold climate reform in Congress? Join our fight and chip in $5 or whatever you can spare.


Time has run out. It’s time to choose to either do something about our climate crisis or come to terms with the fact that our Earth will soon be unfit for humans to live on. I’m choosing to fight.


Are you with me?





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Alexandra Hunt for Congress
PO Box 5615
Philadelphia, PA 19129

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