The election is just a little more than 8 months away, John. It's crunch time for our campaign.
We're ramping up our grassroots work, but we can't do it without your help. In the coming months, we'll be knocking on doors, registering new voters, and talking to thousands of Ohioans via text and over the phone.
The best way to support this work is by becoming a monthly donor. Even just $10/month helps us reach 500 Ohioans through text monthly.
Over his 15 years in Congress, Jim Jordan has raked in dark money from PACs and corporate special interest groups. We can't compete with him on that front, and we don't want to.
We're building a grassroots campaign that will actually go to work for everyday Ohioans — which is why we rely on support from donors like you.
Can we count on you to chip in a little bit every month to help us win in November?
Yes, count me in!
Thanks for being a part of this team, John.
Jack Keller
Deputy Campaign Manager, Team Sites