Dear Patriot,

For over 40 years, I’ve watched my husband Ron battle tirelessly for the cause of liberty and returning our government back to its constitutional roots.

As I see him looking at all the critical battles Campaign for Liberty is fighting – I can tell he’s bracing for what lies ahead.

I know he desperately wants to be able to count on you.

Will you please take just a moment to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty?

With the support of patriots like you, Campaign for Liberty is battling back against everything from gun control and censorship schemes, to skyrocketing spending and government spying, to the so-called “Green New Deal” and Euro-style socialized medicine.

Your support today can make all the difference in each one of these battles.

So I hope you’ll renew right away with a generous contribution.

Both my husband and I would tremendously appreciate it!

Warm Regards,

Carol Paul