Move over 'tech bros': Women entrepreneurs join Africa's fintech boom

Female 'techpreneurs' are taking their place in Africa's male-dominated fintech boom, but gender bias makes it harder for them to access finance and grow their businesses

Uber for all? Low-cost U.S. ride-hailing services make rural inroads

On-demand ‘microtransit’ services are expanding from cities to more rural parts of the United States, offering an affordable means of transport for vulnerable residents

EXPLAINER: 'Catastrophic' wildfire risk is growing. Here's how to cut it

As climate change increases the risk of 'catastrophic' wildfires, countries need proactive policies to stem their ferocity, scientists say

FACTBOX: Colombia decriminalizes abortion amid Latin American shift

Monday’s landmark court ruling makes Colombia the region's third country in two years to decriminalize abortion, after Argentina and Mexico

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