From Rebecca Parson <[email protected]>
Subject Deeply concerning
Date February 23, 2022 3:21 AM
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Hi John,

Republicans’ attacks on democracy and Democrats’ failure to hold them accountable is deeply concerning. We need to protect voting rights, guarantee the right to vote, get mail-in ballots across the country, and enact ranked-choice voting.

We need to get corporate money out of politics, which is why I refuse all corporate PAC money. Can you chip in with a quick donation here? [[link removed]]

We need to hold Trump and his thugs truly accountable.

Where are the consequences for Trump and Stephen Miller putting kids in cages?

Where are the consequences for January 6?

Where are the consequences for the incredible corruption and bribery of Trump’s administration?

I’m fed up with the corruption and greed in our politics. There is virtually no connection between what the public wants and what Congress actually does — because Congress is so bought off by corporate interests.

I don’t have friends in high places. I’m not taking meetings with corporate lobbyists. Last winter, I was out on the street collecting trash from homeless camps and dumping it in front of City Hall because the city refused to do its job and pick up the trash.

I want to keep challenging the powerful: in Congress.

If you can, please chip into my campaign, because I’m not fighting for corporations and their lobbyists — I’m fighting for YOU. [[link removed]]

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Thank you,

-Rebecca Parson
Candidate for Congress, WA-06

To contribute via check, please address to:
Rebecca for Washington
PO Box 111388
Tacoma, WA 98411

Rebecca Parson for Congress
PO Box 111388
Tacoma, WA 98411
United States

Paid for by Rebecca for Washington
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