There is nothing I love more than seeing my son Alex smile. And he beams when he’s on the court, about to take a shot. I am so grateful to Special Olympics supporters like you for helping Alex find his smile – and did you know a gift of $5 a month is enough to help an athlete like Alex train for an entire year?
Alex didn’t always smile as much. As a kid with intellectual disabilities (ID), he sometimes found it hard to make friends and find his community. It crushed me to see him struggling, and I missed his smile. But when Alex started to play basketball with Special Olympics 14 years ago, something changed. He made new friends, found his confidence, and realized that he could do anything!
And I started to see his smile MUCH more often.
When you become a Special Olympics monthly donor, you send hope and joy to Alex and the millions of other athletes like him, every single month – and, thanks to Smile Generation, when you start your monthly gift today your first give will be MATCHED $1 for $1. You also give parents like me the chance to see their children happier, healthier, more connected to their community and purpose.

A few weeks ago, I found out that because of COVID-19 restrictions, Special Olympics could only connect with about 3.2 million athletes last year instead of the 5+ million they usually reach. It broke my heart knowing that fewer athletes were able to be on the field doing what makes them happy, and I knew that I needed to help.
I’m inviting you to begin a monthly donation and ensure that athletes everywhere can return to the sports they love. And here’s something else to smile about – if you start a recurring donation today, your first gift will be MATCHED dollar for dollar. >>
I want every child with ID to feel the joy that Alex does from being a part of the Special Olympics community. And with your continued monthly commitment, we can give even more athletes the opportunity to feel included, celebrated, and loved.
There is no maximum gift, and even small gifts can make a HUGE difference when they happen every single month. With your support we can help millions of athletes smile more. >>
Thank you for your support,
Marion “Rio” Hannah
Alex’s Dad