Let's get rid of the corporate employees that have our government working against us instead of FOR us.

We have to come up with about $919 for our filing fee, but if everyone pitches in a few bucks, that should be easy. Even if you just have a few bucks, it all adds up. Please contribute, if you can, so that we can get on the ballot and make our voices heard. Now is the time.
My friend Rick crushed his humerus & shoulder bones on January 1 and needed a referral to ortho at UCSF. It took 3 doctors and 47 days just to get a referral. The next time someone says universal healthcare systems in other countries have long waits, show them this. We need single payer healthcare now!
Mike Thompson has been saying for years that we must do everything we can to combat climate change, but he hasn't even done the most basic thing he could do - refuse fossil fuel money. That's why the best he has to offer are tax incentives. I know this image isn't easy to read in this email, but it details contributions to Mike's campaign from Exxon Mobil, the American Gas Association and National Fuel Gas Company for $2500, $1000 and $1000 respectively, all from last year.
Marijuana kills less people than peanuts. Lyin Biden could reschedule cannabis TODAY but chooses not to. People are in jail right now because of possession of a plant.
On the 17th of February I received the endorsement of the Napa County Progressive Alliance. It means everything to have the support of this community over the years. I am so grateful. I am fortunate to have the people supporting me that I do. Thank you. Please take a moment to check out the NCPA's website by clicking the image.
We need to end factory farming right now. Why haven't we? As your representative, I will lead the attack on factory farming. We should be subsidizing smaller, locally owned farms with humane practices and organic fruits and vegetables, not big corporate farms that thrive on animal abuse and genetically modified organisms.
Black Lives Matter activists were always serious about making change, but the leadership of the BLM organization has been co-opted by Hillary Clinton operatives and the Democrat establishment. Thank you for covering this Revolutionary Blackout Network. Most of us could tell that something had changed. You need to watch this!
Congressman Mike Thompson, brought to you by: Pfizer.
Leftists against mandates.
For weeks, US media has been filled with stories about a Russian invasion of Ukraine that Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan made up. Every possible aspect, every single change has been reported as if it may be proof that Russia is going to invade Ukraine. So it's even more strange that US-backed forces bombing the territory in question seems to have completely missed their radars. The Donass region, including Donietsk, which is populated largely with ethnic Russians, tried to separate from Ukraine in 2014 and has been bombed by Ukrainian forces for the last 8 years. This most recent attack has led Vladimir Putin to recognize the independence of some of  these separatist territories in order to have the optics of aiding an ally rather invading Ukraine. Regardless whether you side with Russia or the US, it is Ukrainians who will lose in the end. I heard from a Ukrainian just today that they have a saying there: "America is ready to fight to the last Ukrainian."
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