Last summer, a tiny group of corporate Dems

The PCCC proudly endorses Maxwell Frost (FL-10) and Doyle Canning (OR-4) in their primaries for two open, blue congressional districts.

Chip in to their campaigns here!

Maxwell Frost (FL-10)
Turn on images to see Maxwell Frost.

Doyle Canning (OR-4)
Turn on images to see Dorle Canning.

We're about to endorse two more candidates for Congress in open seats, and here's why...

Last summer, a tiny group of corporate Dems in the Senate and House tore the Democratic economic agenda into two pieces. They worked with Mitch McConnell, Big Oil, and Big Pharma to pass the stuff they liked -- and tried to throw child care, $35 insulin, climate change, and other priorities (funded by taxing billionaires) to the chopping room floor.

Today, the PCCC is proud to endorse bold progressives Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) and Doyle Canning (OR-4) in their primaries for two open seats in blue districts. It matters which Dems win these primaries. Please support Maxwell and Canning today.

FL-10 is open after Democratic Rep. Val Demings' run for Senate against Marco Rubio. OR-4 is held by retiring Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio. The elections are in May and August, and voting begins earlier.

These seats are a chance for progressives to strengthen the ranks of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and build more power in Congress -- so corporate Democrats and Joe Manchin can't veto Democratic priorities.

Can you donate $3 to Maxwell Frost and Doyle Canning's campaigns today -- and help get these progressive organizers to Congress?

Maxwell Frost and Doyle Canning represent the next generation of leadership.

They are focused on the issues that matter for tomorrow, like taking on the climate crisis, creating good union jobs, and making sure anyone can see a doctor when they are sick.

Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) is part of a new generation of civil rights activists. If elected, he would be the first "Generation Z" member of Congress. As he says, "We can’t let Big Oil, big business, and the 1% decide our fates for us." He understands how working people and people of color have been left behind by our society, and is committed to fighting back. He's even put his own safety on the line -- he's been beaten, tear-gassed, and jailed during protests for justice.

Frost is a proud Afro-Cuban with deep community organizing experience he will use in Congress. As Organizing Director at March for Our Lives, one of the largest youth political movements in the country, he led an ambitious voter turnout program that helped drive record numbers of young people to the polls, helping to hold the House, and win a Democratic Senate, and Presidency. On the campaign trail, Maxwell is picketing with unions, standing with teachers in their fight for better pay, and striving towards a fairer, more equitable country. Chip in $3 to his campaign here.

Doyle Canning (OR-4) is a community organizer, attorney, mother, and progressive leader with a proven track record of fighting for climate solutions and taking on corporate power. For 20 years, Doyle has stood up to Wall Street Banks, big polluters, billionaires, and the politicians they pay for. She has built movements for strong climate solutions, working families, racial justice, immigrant rights, homes for all, environmental restoration, and more -- advocating in Congress for legislation to move progressive priorities forward.

When the police refused to protect Doyle and her mother from domestic violence -- and neighbors protected them instead -- Doyle learned about community, and that when the system fails us, to fight for a better system. Some of her earliest memories are of her mother taking her to protests against nuclear power, war in Central America, and Apartheid. Now, Doyle is running for Congress to fight for environmental and climate justice, health care, and expanding collective bargaining and workers rights. Chip in $3 to her campaign here.

As we aim to keep a Democratic House and elect bold progressives, Maxwell and Doyle join our diverse slate of endorsed candidates in open seats around the nation -- including Attica Scott (KY-03), Erica Smith (NC-02), Tom Winter (MT-01), Brittany Ramos DeBarros (NY-11), plus Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) and Greg Casar (TX-35) where voting is happening now. You can support them and our endorsed Senate candidates here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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