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Hi ,

As February is Black History Month, we honor Black Americans as stewards of American progress and democratic ideals at every stage of our nation’s history. From the national economy built on their backs to the everyday technology we rely on, and the highest-grossing exports of American culture, Black history is clearly synonymous with American history. 

But at NCRC, this acknowledgment is not tied to one month in the year. It is a daily part of our work, and in order to ensure the next chapter of American history is rooted in equity and justice, we must address economic, social, environmental and health disparities that plague Black Americans. 

At the Just Economy Conference, we will discuss the impact of these disparities and solutions we need to champion change, from expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act to improving the Black homeownership rate, to so much more.

Register now to join us in Washington, DC, June 13-15.

Register now

If you are a current NCRC member, we also invite you to join us for our pre-conference Advocacy Week June 6-10. NCRC members will attend virtual meetings with their Senators and Representatives to discuss a wide array of policy issues that affect all Americans, but especially have an impact on lower-income and Black and Brown communities. Join us alongside your state coalition and make your voice heard as we work toward a more just and equitable future. 

If you aren’t a member and are interested in learning more about membership with NCRC, visit here.

We can’t wait to finally see you again,
    Team NCRC

Press Release: Study: Banks Doubled The Pace Of Branch Closures During The Pandemic
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