First Watchlist features unifying, principled Democrats running for public office in 2022

"I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy." - George Washington’s Farewell Address

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.” - Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address


Dear John, these are the words of two of the greatest figures in American history. We at Renew America Movement strive every day to live these words. It’s our mission to ensure honesty, integrity, and a government that works for “we the people” is more than just an idea. 



But right now, our politics are broken. Political extremists spread lies and conspiracy theories to disparage our fellow Americans. They attack our halls of power, be it at the local school board, city council meetings, the State House, or the U.S. Capitol, spreading misinformation and using violence as a form of “legitimate political discourse.” 

These are not the principles of Washington and Lincoln. We need to renew our politics to live up to their vision for a more perfect union and protect our democracy that shines as a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. But we need your support to reverse the current course and return to the principles that founded our nation and then kept it from tearing apart four score and seven years later. 

In honor of President’s Day yesterday and George Washington’s 290th birthday today, will you make a contribution of $2.90, $29.00, or $290 right now? 

Like President Washington, we believe honesty is the best policy. Like President Lincoln, we believe in a government that works for the people. Chip in today, and help us live up to their ideals.

Mary Anna Mancuso
RAM National Spokeswoman


Thank you so much for joining our movement to renew America! We're working to restore a common-sense coalition in American politics from the voting booth, to the halls of Congress and state capitols, and in communities across America — we're so glad to have you with us!'

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Stand Up Republic
700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States