Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Defensa de los Idiomas!
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Today is Global Language Advocacy Day 2022 

In honor of Global Language Advocacy Day 2022 (#GLAD2022), we are excited to release summary materials from our Restoring and Protecting Our Languages and Native Landscapes conference which took place in October 2021. Joining the conference were 30+ Indigenous educators, practitioners, linguists, activists, and other leaders working in Indigenous language revitalization. This conference equipped individuals working at the community level with tools and best practices for revitalizing and strengthening Indigenous languages and the Traditional Ecological Knowledge carried within them.

We encourage language activists and practitioners working in the field of Indigenous language revitalization to continue to use the content from the conference as a resource. 

Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Defensa de los Idiomas

En honor al Día Mundial de la Defensa de los Idiomas 2022 (#GLAD22), nos complace publicar materiales con el resumen de nuestra conferencia Restauración y protección de nuestros idiomas y paisajes nativos que se realizó en octubre de 2021. En esta conferencia participaron más de 30 educadores, profesionales, lingüistas, activistas, y otros líderes Indígenas que trabajan en la revitalización de idiomas Indígenas. Esta conferencia, dirigida a personas que trabajan a nivel comunitario,  facilitó herramientas y mejores prácticas para revitalizar y fortalecer las lenguas Indígenas y el conocimiento ecológico tradicional que llevan consigo.

Alentamos a los activistas y profesionales de los idiomas que trabajan en el campo de la revitalización, a que sigan utilizando el contenido de la conferencia como recurso.

Сегодня Всемирный день защиты языков

В честь  Всемирного дня защиты языков 2022 или #GLAD22, мы рады возможности предоставить краткие материалы нашей конференции "Восстановление и защита наших языков и родных ландшафтов", которая состоялась в октябре 2021 года.

Мы призываем языковых активистов и практиков, работающих в области возрождения языка, продолжать использовать материалы конференции в качестве ресурса.

Read our conference summary report!

Day 1 - Indigenous Languages as Contributors to the Preservation of Biodiversity

Traditional Ecological Knowledge is embedded in traditional practices and reflected in Indigenous languages, cultures, cosmovisions, and oral traditions. This knowledge and invaluable ways of being and knowing as it relates to the preservation of biodiversity and our ecosystems are at high risk of being lost when an Indigenous language disappears.

Day 2 - Reclaiming and Strengthening our Indigenous Languages Beyond Our Homes: Methodologies and Practical Approaches

Discussions present effective methodologies, practical ideas, and successful strategies for implementing best practices for carrying forward the work of reclaiming our languages, cultures, and lands in a holistic manner that affirms our traditional understandings.

Day 3 - Indigenous Women and the Power of Community Storytelling

Indigenous women play a critical role in the transmission of Traditional Ecological Knowledge through ceremonies, medicinal plants, dances, arts, and proper relations to the land, and are often expressed through language and storytelling. Their leadership in the transmission of Indigenous languages to future generations is essential for the well-being of Indigenous communities and the environment both now and in the future.


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Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience since 1972. We envision a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance.
Advancing Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Cultures Worldwide, since 1972
Cultural Survival 
2067 Massachusetts Avenue 
Cambridge, MA 02140 
(617) 441-5400


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