This time last year, Survival launched an ambitious campaign to stop Messok Dja park in the Congo Basin.
A park might seem like a strange thing to oppose, but this WWF-funded project was (and still is) going ahead without the consent of the rightful landowners, the Baka. The Baka are facing land theft, horrific abuse and the total destruction of their way of life.
A year ago, it looked like yet another colonial land grab would succeed. But we could never have imagined how you'd come out in support of the Baka and our campaign.
Your emails, tweets and donations have been instrumental in securing many successes. Thanks to you, in the last year:
For the first time in history, we made sure the Baka's voices were heard by the U.S. government, which funds the park. Representatives from Congress wouldn't go to the Baka, so we took the Baka's complaints direct to Congress (and many others, for that matter).
We brought the international spotlight to the Baka's struggles: BuzzFeed News, the Times, and
Unreported World have all covered the injustices they're facing.
Ensuring the world is watching has led to real changes on the ground – the Baka tell us abuse by park rangers has decreased dramatically since we started our campaign.
In an almost unprecedented move, WWF were forced to return and seek consent from the original landowners. But it's too little too late – because of the beatings, torture and arrests, any consent sought can no longer be free or prior (key conditions in international law).
So what's next?
We’ve been campaigning for indigenous rights to be at the heart of conservation for over 20 years, and the fight to #StopMessokDja is by no means over.
This is where you come in. We've put together a new activist pack to make it easier than ever for you to support the Baka in the fight for their land.
As the last year shows, you have the power to make change. Please click above to check out all the ways you can help right now.
Despite growing criticism, WWF, the EU Commission and other funders are still pushing ahead with their plans for Messok Dja. But together, we’re setting an important precedent:
Conservation projects must respect human rights and indigenous knowledge, and have the consent of local people.
In the words of the Baka, "Thank you for everything you have done. The Baka give you courage so you can continue in your fight."
P.S. We reject government funding so our integrity is never compromised. We rely entirely on your donations to keep fighting for tribal peoples worldwide. Please donate today. Without you, there can be no Survival.
Survival International USA, PO Box 26345, San Francisco, CA 94126 | A 501(c)(3) organization tax I.D. 26-3208869
Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET, UK | Charity no. 267444
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