We're living through an unprecedented time in politics. Public impeachment hearings have begun and so much of the inquiry underscores how crucial our work to fix our broken political system really is. While Washington remains a dysfunctional, partisan mess, the anti-corruption movement is making strides in the states. This year, our movement scored more than 20 wins (more on this below), and we're preparing to win even more next year.
The anti-corruption movement is gathering for Unrig Spotlight 2020 in Miami from May 15-17, and there we'll strategize and plan for the next wave of victories. Get your early bird tickets now and save $100!
At Unrig Spotlight 2020, we'll talk about the news of the day coming out of Washington, but we'll focus even more on what's happening with our movement, and how we're going to win big in 2020 and beyond. This focused program will feature empowering trainings, impressive speakers, inspiring leaders, world-class entertainment, and more.

Space is extremely limited – with fewer than 1,000 tickets available. Get your early bird tickets now and save $100, because prices will go up.
We know that when we get together, plan ahead, and put our collective efforts into anti-corruption campaigns, we win. That’s what happened in 2019: We gathered for Unrig Summit in Nashville, and left inspired and prepared to fix our broken political system. And on Election Day last week, we won our biggest victory of the year in New York City.
In case you missed it, last week voters in New York City overwhelmingly passed Ranked Choice Voting with more than 73% support. It was a combined effort by our partners Common Cause NY, FairVote, and RepresentUs members that helped Ranked Choice Voting win at the ballot. RepresentUs volunteers stepped up to send more than 600,000 texts to voters, canvass for 7 weeks in a row to educate voters, and fund digital ads that reached millions of people.

Ranked Choice Voting is a game-changer. It eliminates the spoiler effect, enables third-party candidates to run and win, increases diversity, and disincentivizes negative campaigning. Now, 8.6 million New Yorkers are going to reap those benefits.
New York City wasn't the only win this year; our movement won more than 20 anti-corruption campaigns across the country in 2019. This year’s wins follow the historic wave of victories we scored in 2018, once again proving that Americans are ready to end corruption in politics.
But we still have big battles ahead of us. If you're ready to dig in and make sure the next campaigns win, you can start now by joining the Common Wealth with a monthly donation, or by joining our upcoming phone bank to build outreach teams for anti-corruption campaigns in 2020.
Thanks for being part of this powerful movement,
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs