SOS NHS Day of Action

Join protests across the country this Saturday (February 26th) to call on the government to scrap the Trident nuclear weapons system and invest what it would cost in our NHS instead!

The UK government  is increasing the number of warheads in its Trident nuclear weapons arsenal for the first time since the Cold War. At the same time, it says it doesn’t have enough money to properly pay our nurses, who have looked after us throughout the pandemic. 

Stand with CND and the SOS NHS campaign

CND is supporting the SOS NHS campaign to highlight how the cost of nuclear weapons could instead be invested in the NHS. We are mobilising in support of the campaign's demands to approve emergency funding of £20 billion to save lives this winter; invest in a fully publicly owned NHS and guarantee free healthcare for future generations; and to pay staff properly.

Events are taking place across the country this weekend to mark a national day of action, with local groups organising stalls and events across the country. 
Let's take to the streets to make it clear the government has its priorities wrong, and let's support Nurses not Nukes
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