Roll Call reports that Trump has endorsed dozens of 2020 election skeptics running to be the top election officials in key states, with more Trump allies working to take over the elections apparatus at the local level.

If they're successful, this could mean the 2024 election is given to Republicans no matter who wins the most votes. To protect our democracy, it is imperative that Democratic Secretaries of State are elected NOW so we can protect our democracy from Trump's dark forces.

The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State is our ally working to win this year's Secretaries of State races in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan and protect democracy. Can you chip in today?

Roll Call warns of a perilous situation for our democracy:

"Analysts and former officials warn of a scenario during a tight 2024 vote count in which a senior state official in Georgia, or perhaps Arizona or Wisconsin, refuses to certify the Democratic nominee’s apparent Electoral College win there. That same state official would be hand-picked for this moment by Trump and his loyalists. In this hypothetical -- for now -- future, Trump appears publicly soon after, declaring victory and promising revenge against anyone who opposed him when his second term begins in two months...

"Trump and conservative media outlets have repeated such false and misleading statements so often that 2 in 3 Republicans believe the election was stolen, according to consistent polling results...

"Georgia’s legislature voted along party lines to remove the secretary of state, who resisted Trump’s pleas to 'find votes' last November, in favor of a hand-picked official. Texas' Republican governor signed into law a GOP-written measure that targets election officials and poll workers with penalties while installing measures that pare voting access."

The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State is our ally working to win this year's Secretaries of State races in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan and protect democracy. Can you chip in today?

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-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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