Fuel the fight for ranked choice voting in states across America >>

John: RepresentUs is fighting to pass ranked choice voting in cities and states across the country.

But a recent poll found that almost 50% of Americans don’t have a strong understanding of ranked choice voting.1  Americans need to know that ranked choice voting works to dismantle the two-party duopoly by allowing voters to rank more than one candidate.

If we can raise $7,500 by the end of February, we can stay on pace to educate thousands of voters before Election Day through door-to-door organizing, phonebanks, and local press. Chip in $15 to power the fight for ranked choice voting. >>

Together we can build an unstoppable grassroots movement. Donate now.

We have a proven strategy that works and has led us to more than 156 victories over the last 10 years. We build and support grassroots movements through education and organizing that go around Congress to pass transformational laws in states and cities across America.

But if voters don’t understand this policy, they won’t support it, John. We need time to explain ranked choice voting to the American people in our target states. If we don’t start now, we may not have the runway we need to make an impact before November. 

If we don’t reach these voters soon, our opposition may get to them instead. Will you chip in $15 today to help reach our $7,500 goal before March 1st?


Thank you for being a part of this,


Jen Johnson
Movement Director

  1. Self-Reported Understanding of Ranked-Choice Voting