February 21, 2022 |  | How are you showing CARE this month? From Valentine's Day to American Heart Month, much of February is focused on care in its many forms. At the OAC, we hope you're showing self-care by investing in your physical, mental and emotional health. We also encourage you to step up and CHANGE the way we CARE about obesity by getting involved in the upcoming Obesity Care Week (February 27th-March 5th), one of the most critical campaigns we participate in each year. We have a lot in store for the OAC and our Community, so continue reading for updates!
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 | YWM2022 NATIONAL CONVENTION UPDATE Last month, we announced that the OAC is expanding our Your Weight Matters National Convention to include two separate events for 2022, both designed to meet the needs of our Diverse Community: YWM2022-Virtual (May 14-15 - Convention Online Platform) and YWM2022-Engage (July 14-16 - Westin Lake Las Vegas). Registration for YWM2022-Virtual will open soon, so make sure you're signed up for Convention E-News Alerts! |  | MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR OUR NEXT HEALTH TALK, MARCH 31ST ON YOUTUBE | EATING DISORDERS: WHAT TO KNOW AND IDENTIFYING SIGNS It can be tough to spot signs that you could be dealing with an eating disorder, much less get the right tools to address it. Eating disorders can also go undiagnosed due to stigma and lack of information. In OAC's next Health Talk, licensed psychologist Connie Stapleton, PhD, will provide helpful information about the different types of eating disorders and their impact on your physical and mental health, while also offering hands-on tools to recognize and treat them. Subscribe to our YOUTUBE Channel so you don't miss it! |  | WATCH OAC'S MONTHLY BROADCAST | LET'S TALK ABOUT LANGUAGE AND IMAGERY: WHAT'S APPROPRIATE? On our OAC TV monthly broadcast last week, we had an interactive discussion about everyday images we see and everyday language used to talk about obesity. Many of these images and words can be stigmatizing. It's up to us, as a community, to determine what is appropriate and what isn't when it comes to portraying obesity and people affected by it. WATCH NOW |  | OAC AND PCORI RELEASE EVIDENCE UPDATE ON COMPARING TWO TYPES OF BARIATRIC SURGERY The OAC is excited to announce the publication of a new evidence update in partnership with the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). This new research takes an in-depth look at the benefits and harms of gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. CLICK HERE to check out the latest news. |  | OAC WELCOMES BOERINGER INGELHEIM AND ELI LILLY AS SILVER SPONSORS OF THE YOUR WEIGHT MATTERS CAMPAIGN The OAC is excited to announce that Boeringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly have signed-on as silver sponsors of the Your Weight Matters Campaign. The Campaign is a national awareness initiative produced and presented by the OAC to assist individuals affected by excess weight and obesity in having the conversation about weight with a healthcare provider. It also offers FREE resources in both English and Spanish to help prepare someone for that important conversation. To learn more about the Campaign, visit YourWeightMatters.org. |  | OAC PARTICIPATES IN LISTENING SESSION WITH NIH OBESITY RESEARCH TASK FORCE Earlier this month, a group of OAC leaders participated in a meeting with the Senior Leadership Group of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research Task Force. The NIH funds a large amount of obesity research across their many Institutes, Centers and Offices. OAC was honored to share the "lived experience" perspective on current and future potential obesity research. We also discussed how research should be conducted and topics that need to be explored. READ MORE | |  |  | OAC Member and Director Melinda Watman, BSN, MSN, CNM, MBA, recalls that she's always had obesity, even as a toddler. She's lived with ridicule, shame, being socially outcasted, and other experiences that people with obesity often face. These experiences compelled her to helped form and now lead the Massachusetts MA Coalition for Action on Obesity (MCAO). This upcoming Obesity Care Week, MCAO will take action by hosting a Zoom webinar about the patient perspective in obesity care and treatment. CLICK HERE to read more about how Melinda and MCAO are making a difference and why YOUR voice matters, too. | | WHAT OBESITY TREATMENTS DOES INSURANCE COVER? Whether your health insurance plan will cover obesity treatment largely varies by state, plan, and treatment. A recent article featuring Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO, breaks down different types of treatments and what to consider. READ MORE |  | | |  | PARTICIPATE IN THE 'EDIT' SURVEY TODAY! The OAC is assisting the Eating Disorders In Weight-related Therapy (EDIT) Collaboration to learn more about the opinions on the risk factors associated with the development of eating disorders in weight management interventions. The results of this study will be used to inform research activities of the EDIT Collaboration which aims to determine individual risk pathways for the development of eating disorders during behavioral weight management. CLICK HERE to take the survey. It will remain open until March 4th, 2022. (Please note: This survey is not being conducted by the Obesity Action Coalition.) | | | RHYTHM RENEWS MEMBERSHIP ON OAC'S CHAIRMAN'S COUNCIL The OAC is proud to share that Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, a long-time OAC supporter, has renewed their membership on OAC's Chairman's Council at the Silver Level. Rhythm is a biophamaceutical company dedicated to changing how rare genetic diseases of obesity are diagnosed and treated. READ MORE | | | Obesity Action Coalition 4511 N Himes Ave, Suite 250 Tampa, FL 33614 Unsubscribe | | |