Submit Your Intentions: Eight Holy Masses, Holy Face
Novena Feb. 20-28
Dear Friend,
Let us come together as a community
of prayer warriors to honor the
Holy Face of Jesus and to make reparation for the insults and
indignities to Our Lord, Jesus Christ and the horrible crimes of these
By offering to God, the adorable
Countenance of the Face of Jesus, disfigured with painful bruises and
covered with shame and confusion, we can beg God, through the merits
of His Holy Face, to obtain our most pressing
Once you have submitted your Intentions, please proceed to DAY 2 of the Novena to
the Holy Face.
One of the
promises to those who honor the Holy Face of Jesus:
“By My Holy Face, they will work
wonders, appease the anger of God and draw down mercy on
If you haven't had a chance
to submit your intentions or would like to update them, please take a
few minutes to do so now.
May God come to our assistance and
let His enemies be scattered and may Jesus, whose adorable Face is full of modesty and
sweetness, have mercy on us and
the whole world.
Your friend in Jesus and
Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family