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Monday, February 21st, 2022

Our Mortal Enemy Trudeau

Lew Rockwell

What Is Putin Planning?

Karen Kwiatkowski

The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the US

Dr Naomi Wolf

Archbishop Viganò’s Important Message To Canadian Truckers


Going Super-Viral and an Important Rumble Video

Ron Unz

Donbas or Ottawa? The Dizzying Spiral of Government Violence!

Daniel McAdams

Trampling the Truckers – The Great Reset Becomes the Great Awakening

Tom Luongo

Short Takes: Truckers, Clinical Trial Fraud, Scotland Data, …

Steve Kirsch

How the United States Has Provoked the Ukraine Crisis

Boyd D. Cathey

Reality Honks Back

N.S. Lyons

America’s War?

Eric S. Margolis

War in Europe and the Rise of Raw Propaganda

John Pilger

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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