From Connecticut Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject We need your help countering the GOP’s wealthy donors
Date February 21, 2022 12:43 AM
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John, wealthy Republican donors are already flooding Connecticut with dark money this year — a new Super PAC just received a $500,000 donation to support Republicans ahead of November’s elections.

With Governor Lamont, Senator Blumenthal, every U.S. House seat, and other Democrats all the way down the ballot up for election this year, we need to fight back.

Will you rush a $10 donation to the CT Democratic Party today to help us counter the GOP’s dark money and mobilize Democrats in every community across Connecticut this year? [[link removed]]

DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

Republicans are already pulling out all the stops in their quest to defeat Governor Lamont and other Democrats down the ballot this November, and this is just the beginning.

Bob Stefanowski has dumped $10 million into his campaign and spent $1 million attacking Governor Lamont on TV — that’s why we must build a comprehensive voter outreach program in the weeks and months ahead.

Please chip in whatever you can today to help us support Democrats up and down the ballot ahead of November’s elections. Any amount helps us mobilize Democrats across Connecticut! [[link removed]]

Thanks for your support,

Connecticut Democrats
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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