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Dear DRA Family,

What can YOU do about raging wildfires, unpredictable power shut offs, a crisis in immigration, broken prison pipelines, inequities in education, and abysmal public transportation?  Support DRA today.

In the face of mounting grim news, DRA has spent 2019 building on our 26-year history of success to bring strong legal cases that will fundamentally shift the way our nation deals with emergency preparedness, immigration detention, prisons, education, and transportation.

Thanks to DRA’s strong legal muscle:
  • Stanford University entered into the most comprehensive settlement ever to protect college students with mental health disabilities from unnecessary exclusion.This settlement sets the stage for fundamental national changes to higher education institutions across the country—ensuring appropriate accommodations for students experiencing mental health crises;
  • ICE’s horrific medical and mental health care and denial of accommodations to detained immigrants has been exposed and challenged via a nationwide class action lawsuit;
  • Our nation’s capital will, thanks to a ground-breaking settlement with the District of Columbia, significantly improve emergency preparedness and response programs for thousands of people with disabilities who live in, work in, or travel to the capital; and
  • The MTA is finally talking about prioritizing people with disabilities in future planning.
This progress is important and THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG.  DRA is the only national nonprofit focused exclusively on systemic litigation to end discrimination for people with disabilities.  DRA takes on the big, complex, risky, resource-intensive cases that NO ONE ELSE WILL.  And we can only do this courageous work because of your investment.  With your help, DRA will:
  • Leverage our Stanford University victory to reform discriminatory practices in educational institutions across the country;
  • Build upon our work on behalf of incarcerated youth and adults with disabilities across the country to ensure more people with disabilities get access the education and rehabilitative services they need to escape the prison pipeline;
  • Use our expertise in emergency planning to ensure that, as wildfires continue to rage and power-outages continue to plague communities across the nation, people with disabilities are NOT left behind; and
  • Continue to wage our multi-pronged battle against the New York MTA until we arrive at a court-enforceable agreement that ensures people with disabilities have equal access to this critical transportation system.
DRA can do it.  And we will with your generous support.  Thank you for playing a critical role in stemming the tide of grim news and partnering with us to create a just and equitable society for all.

Kate Hamilton, Stuart Seaborn, and Michelle Caiola
Image: signatures and titles of DRA's Managing Directors: Kate Hamilton, Stuart Seaborn, Michelle Caiola

P. S. Donating securities and/or making a bequest to DRA are the best and easiest ways to give more (and take advantage of tax incentives).  More information on donating securities (including a downloadable stock transfer form) and planned giving is available on DRA’s website.
Donate Now
Disability Rights Advocates
2001 Center Street, Fourth Floor
Berkeley, CA 94704

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