![]() Patriot, He invoked “emergency powers.” He froze the bank accounts of peaceful protesters and those who contributed money, food, or other essentials to them. He called them “fringe,” “terrorists,” and “white supremacists.” It makes one think this is happening in Castro’s Cuba or even modern-day China. But it’s actually taking place just to the north of us, in first world Canada. Watching Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his brutal government cracking down on the peaceful protests sparked by Canadian truckers, one thing is clear: the brushfires of liberty are burning bright, and freedom is alive -- and it is winning. It might not be obvious given some of the videos showing brutal treatment of the demonstrators, as well as their bank accounts being frozen, but much like the chinks in the armor during the shipyard worker strike in Poland in the 1980’s which led to the end of the USSR, the actions of the truckers’ Freedom Convoy are having a major impact on an authoritarian government. Like an animal caught in a corner, Trudeau declaring himself a dictator is the last desperate flailing of an administration that has lost all credibility. Unfortunately, Trudeau has turned the Canadian national and local police forces into a Gestapo of sorts, going after protestors and their supporters who are showing up merely to say, “We love what you are doing for all of Canada!” The police in turn are beating and punching non-violent supporters. One video even shows police on horseback riding through a crowd where at least two victims were trampled. They’re even confining reporters to “approved” areas and warning them away from where the crackdown is occurring, lest they risk arrest themselves. But most importantly, the protests have achieved at least some of their intended objectives, as Covid restrictions, like vaccine passports and mask mandates, are being lifted across the country. The irony is that it’s estimated at least 80 percent of the truckers are vaccinated. So why the uproar? As one reporter put it, “It’s about something else. Or many things: a sense that things will never go back to normal, a sense that they are being ganged up on by the government, the media, Big Tech, Big Pharma.” Of course, these feelings of oppression are shared by people around the world, as governments marched in lockstep to separate their own citizens from any sense of freedom over the last two years. Now, masses of individuals the world over are peacefully fighting back and demanding their own governments remove the tyrannical boots from their necks -- all because of the actions of Canadian truckers. The excitement building in Canada and spreading around the world is a result of what these truckers are doing. There is an excitement about “normal” men and women standing up to the government elites, telling the “ruling class” that we want our freedom! The people have finally had enough and are putting themselves on the line to resist this tyranny. Violence and threats are the only things authoritarian government have left at this point. But the key thing is . . . the Canadians stood up and faced their fears. Any American would be naive to think such a crackdown couldn’t happen here. The fact is our government has been cracking down on us and our rights more and more each year. They try to appease us with bailouts and stimulus checks and the like. But in reality, they want to quash our freedoms and our liberty. And they haven’t hesitated to silence American citizens for the past two years. Mask mandates. Vaccine mandates. Schools closed. Businesses shuttered. Lies and deceit. It’s time for us to stand up and give a resounding “NO! We are done with you!” before it’s too late. Americans must face our own fears and stand up. Now is the time to stand up to the government thugs who are destroying our families, our communities, our schools, our livelihoods, and our liberties. Just over a decade ago, the Tea Party movement grew out of a frustration of big government, wild spending by both parties, and simply being ignored by those who are supposed to “represent” us. But the Tea Party morphed into just another faction of the Republican Party. The national debt has skyrocketed to over $30 TRILLION. ObamaCare was signed into law, and despite numerous opportunities, Republicans couldn’t (or wouldn’t) undo it. Taxes went up, and more bureaucracy came into play. Now our neighbors to the north are going against their general nature and are rising up against tyranny. It’s time to see more of this in our country too. By all appearances, Covid mitigations are winding down. But don’t be fooled. The elites have seen how easy it was to gain compliance in America . . . You and I must stand with one voice to make clear we will NEVER AGAIN sacrifice liberty in pursuit of so-called “security.” The American version of the Freedom Convoy is starting to move across the country this week, and there are sure to be other grassroots efforts by Americans saying, “Enough is enough!” Our economy is in shambles. The price of food and gas is skyrocketing. Our children are still forced to wear masks while the elites live large with no such requirement. Vaccine mandates continue to cost citizens their jobs. And the Biden administration seems to be more focused on a war over Ukraine that makes no sense for American interests. When the Freedom Convey comes near your home, remember it’s a protest in defense of liberty in America. Don’t simply honk and salute them. Demand your liberty alongside them -- not just the liberty you enjoyed before Covid but every God-given liberty that is protected by the U.S. Constitution. Because it is this sacrifice that is going to restore our liberty. #HonkHonk For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Your Campaign for Liberty is fighting hard to defend and restore liberty in the Land of the Free. But we can’t survive these trying times without your help. Please consider chipping in now so we can continue to stand against tyranny at all levels of government now and into the future. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to
promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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