There's gas in them thar hills!
Energy In Depth (11/13/19) reports: "American consumers are reaping the benefits of soaring natural gas production, pocketing over $1.1 trillion in savings over the past 10 years, according to a new report released by Shale Crescent USA and the Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program. The analysis shows growth in domestic natural gas production resulted in more than $4,000 in savings per household over the 10-year period for those who use natural gas, and billions of dollars saved by manufacturing end users in the Shale Crescent region of Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The price of natural gas has dropped as a result of dramatically increasing production from shale, with the majority of new growth coming from the Appalachian Basin."
"Censorship is the midwife of stupidity, and more importantly of dogmatism. When religious or political or moral ideologies are insulated from critique, they become dogmas. They become belief systems that are cleaved to, not because they have been tested and discussed in the public sphere, but because their adherents just know that they are right. These are the perfect conditions in which arrogance and intellectual hollowness can flourish, and in which defensiveness and fury become the default responses to any challenge from outside. That is what has happened to environmentalism."
–Brendan O'Neill, Spiked Online