From Science for the People <[email protected]>
Subject Toward A People's Green New Deal
Date November 14, 2019 4:44 PM
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November 14, 2019
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Volume 23, Number 2 Call For Proposals: "A People's Green New Deal"

Science for the People seeks proposals for articles, art, and other content for the upcoming issue, “A People’s Green New Deal” (Volume 23, Number 2, Summer 2020).

With this issue, SftP hopes to contribute to the outpouring of ideas, organizing, support, and criticism that have greeted the Green New Deal (GND) proposal over the past year, and to help shape the contours of global climate struggles and solutions.

“A People’s Green New Deal” seeks to bolster the movement’s own technical knowledge base, challenge capitalist scientific and technical knowledge, and methods of making knowledge, and provide a forum for organizing reports and discussions about strategy, tactics, and general political outlook.

This issue advances an emancipatory climate vision: we take as a given that our planetary future depends on the military industrial complex being downsized and dismantled; on wealth being redistributed; and on solidarity beating back racism, colonialism, extractivism, gender violence, and commodification. We seek submissions that shed light on these climate imperatives in new and creative ways, and sharpen our readers’ understanding of who and what can advance the truly radical climate solutions we need. Read more and share your proposal here ([link removed]) .

Submission deadline: Friday, January 10, 2020
Submit your proposal here ([link removed])
Science for the People solicita propuestas de artículos, material gráfico, y otro contenido para el próximo número, “Un Green New Deal Popular” (Volumen 23, Número 2, Verano 2020).

Con esta edición, SftP espera contribuir al flujo de ideas, organización, apoyo y críticas que ha recibido la propuesta del Green New Deal (GND) durante el año pasado, y ayudar a moldear las luchas y soluciones climáticas globales.

“Un Green New Deal Popular” busca (1) reforzar el propio conocimiento técnico del movimiento, (2) desafiar a la ciencia, al conocimiento técnico y a los métodos de creación del conocimiento al servicio del capitalismo y del colonialismo, y (3) proporcionar un foro para informes de organización y debates sobre estrategia, táctica y perspectivas políticas generales.

Esta edición promueve una visión climática emancipadora: damos por hecho que nuestro futuro planetario depende de disminuir y desmantelar el complejo industrial militar; de la redistribución de la riqueza; y de la solidaridad contra el racismo, el colonialismo, el extractivismo, la violencia de género y la mercantilización. Buscamos propuestas que arrojen luz sobre estos imperativos climáticos de formas nuevas y creativas y que agudicen la comprensión de nuestros lectores sobre quién y qué puede hacer avanzar las soluciones climáticas realmente radicales que necesitamos. Lea más y comparta su propuesta aquí ([link removed]) .

Fecha límite: 10 de enero de 2020
Haga clic aquí para presentar su solicitud ([link removed])

Subscribe by December 1 to receive "The Science We Need"

The second issue of Science for the People, “Envisioning and Enacting the Science We Need," is coming soon!

Scientists and societies can envision research programs that bolster authoritarianism, militarism, industrial expansion, colonialism, pollution, and environmental devastation. Or, scientists and societies can envision—and bring about—science that liberates. Science that preserves what is precious, in service to living communities. The vision of “the science we need” aims at a science that’s less individualistic and elitist, and at putting science into the hands of the people.

If you subscribe to the magazine ([link removed]) , watch for the print edition to land in your mailbox next month. And if you're not yet a subscriber, sign up by December 1 to start your subscription with "The Science We Need."
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