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Weekend Edition, February 19-20, 2022

Striking Evidence of Covid Vaccines Failure

Vasko Kohlmayer

The Evil and Malevolence of the Pentagon’s Brilliant Strategy in Ukraine

Jacob G. Hornberger

The Truckers’ Revolt Has Exposed the Left’s Class Hatred

Tom Slater

Government Statistics at it Again: They Adjusted Your Recession from Hell to Heaven!

David Haggith

The Unmasking

James Howard Kunstler

Washington Has Prepared an Invasion Narrative

Paul Craig Roberts

Misinformation, Curtesy of the NY Times

Alex Berenson

The Great Game This Week: Anglo-Canadian Tyranny Unmasked

Matthew J.L. Ehret

What Kind of ‘Left’ Attacks The Working Class as ‘Fascist,’ And Pushes FOR The ‘Vaccination’ of The Poor Worldwide?

Mark Crispin Miller

Will Washington Launch a Mass-Casualty ‘False Flag’ To Sabotage Nord Stream?

Mike Whitney

Mark Steyn and Maxime Bernier Discuss the Totalitarian State of Canada


An Easy and Effective Shield to Protect From Covid-19

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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