America’s dark history of voter suppression continues to threaten the right to vote today.

Modern-day voter discrimination prevents too many people of color from casting their ballot and making their voices heard. Voter suppression measures enacted by states across the country will disenfranchise voters of color in 2020 if pivotal changes aren’t made.

But together, we can dismantle voter discrimination.

Next week, Congress will vote on H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act. This legislation will reduce barriers to the ballot box and restore federal oversight of states with a history of racial discrimination in voting.

H.R. 4 restores the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the monumental civil rights legislation outlawing discrimination in voting, by:

  • Restoring federal observation of states with a history of voting discrimination
  • Requiring states to pre-clear voting changes that could harm communities of color including: reductions in language assistance and changes to ID requirements
  • Combatting voter suppression measures like voter roll purges and disproportionate poll closures in communities of color

Advancement Project National Office is committed to the fight to restore the landmark law that is the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This restoration is a necessity for the removal of racial discrimination in voting and we can only accomplish this with the passage of the H.R. 4.

Join the fight to pass H.R. 4 and restore the vote!

Participate in the National Voting Rights Call-in Day, TODAY November 14! Call your congressional representative using (202) 224-3121 and urge them to pass H.R.4.!

Spread the word and raise your voice in support of H.R. 4 on social media using #RestoretheVOTE and #HR4.

We cannot make real progress on civil and human rights issues if we don’t have a functioning democracy in which everyone is included, heard and represented. It’s past time for Congress to revive the heart of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and restore it to its full and necessary strength in passing #HR4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act.

 Call Congress TODAY!

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