From PCCC (Bold Progressives) <[email protected]>
Subject 8 old white dudes.
Date February 19, 2022 6:20 PM
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Notice anything about Kentucky’s 2020 congressional delegation? Bold
progressive U.S. House candidate Attica Scott and U.S. Senate candidate
Charles Booker are fighting to change that in 2022. To make it
happen, [ [link removed] ]their campaigns need early progressive support NOW.

[ [link removed] ]The entire Kentucky congressional delegation is white males. We can
change that by electing Charles Booker to senate and Attica Scott to the
House in 2022.

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $3 to Attica Scott's campaign for Kentucky's 3rd Congressional
District and Charles Booker's campaign for U.S. Senate in 2022.

Progressive Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) has announced he will retire
in 2022. We've endorsed Attica Scott to represent that urban,
Democratic-leaning district which includes Louisville.

Attica is a State Representative now -- and the first Black woman elected
to the Kentucky General Assembly in more than two decades. In her time in
the Assembly, she has brought 80 bills to the floor including legislation
banning no-knock warrants, banning discrimination against students who
wear natural hairstyles to school, and requiring schools to teach about
the holocaust and racism.

She will fight for racial justice, Medicare For All, a Green New Deal,
voting rights, and more.

We've also endorsed 2022 U.S. Senate candidate Charles Booker who is
running to defeat Republican Senator Rand Paul.

Charles nearly defeated the establishment pick for Senate in 2020 due to
tremendous grassroots support. Now, he’s the frontrunner to face Senator
Rand Paul. Elizabeth Warren says, "This is a man who has lived the
struggles other politicians just talk about. He grew up in one of the
poorest zip codes in Kentucky. He experienced the pain of poverty
firsthand, and saw his mom skip meals just so he could have enough. He’s
been homeless, and had to ration his insulin because he couldn’t afford
the medication he needed as a Type 1 diabetic. Now, he’s running to lift
up working families in Kentucky and beyond."

After Rand Paul renewed his specious, politically motivated, and dangerous
attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci in a Senate hearing, an NBC News analyst
noted that "Paul is known for trafficking in half-truths, conspiracies,
and disinformation. He has sought to build political support by becoming a
leading figure in the COVID-19 denial movement and, as Fauci points out,
has a section on his re-election campaign website promising to

[ [link removed] ]Chip in help bold progressives Attica Scott get to the U.S. House and
Charles Booker get to the U.S. Senate in 2022.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team ([ [link removed] ]@BoldProgressive)




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