
Trump’s Big Lie about his loss in the 2020 presidential election caused widespread and damaging distrust in our elections and the people that help administer them.

Earlier this month, the impacts of his actions continued to threaten our democracy as the Republican National Committee called the Jan. 6th insurrection “legitimate political discourse”, adding fuel to the fire.

The blatant misinformation that caused a mob of violent insurrectionists to storm the U.S. Capitol—the very heart of our democracy— just over one year ago, has now led to many of them seeking to gain power over elections in cities and states across the nation.

Numerous insurrectionists are looking to become poll watchers and local election officials, which is all part of a broader effort for them to gain control over which ballots are counted and which are discarded.

We need to do everything we can to keep these insurrectionists out of Congress and from becoming election officials.

Sign the petition to demand Secretaries of State across the nation hold insurrectionists accountable by preventing them from running for office and becoming poll workers and election officials.

Take Action

As the elected officials that will oversee the administration of elections and the certification of results in many states, secretaries of state play an important role in safeguarding our democracy.

To ensure Americans’ faith in our elections and in our democracy, Secretaries of State must disqualify all insurrectionists from serving in office, including as election officials.

Our government has the tools, resources, and authority needed to prevent the people who participated in January 6th’s insurrection from gaining power over our elections.

Keeping them from becoming election officials and running for office is just a matter of political will.

This is a make-or-break moment for our democracy.

Sign the petition to demand Secretaries of State across the nation hold insurrectionists accountable by preventing them from running for office and becoming poll workers and election officials.

Take Action

  - Tre

Tre Graves
Digital Organizing Coordinator
Democracy for America

Even with a Democratic President, Congress, and Senate, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema stop us from getting much done.

The good news is that we only need to flip 3 Senate seats to take power away from Manchin and our Senate candidates in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky are ready to do just that.

Contribute now to support DFA's work to Save the Senate!