Here’s what’s going on
We need your help to make it clear to Congress that children’s rights are above parties and politics.
The U.S. Government’s funding helps support UNICEF’s work in immunization and vaccine distribution, early childhood development, education and delivery of emergency relief. Simply put, UNICEF needs U.S. funding now more than ever.
If there’s a piece of our funding missing, we can’t make the promise of reaching every child. We need voices like yours to remind Congress that children should come first.
Sign up to join us for Advocacy Day and urge your legislators to make funding for UNICEF a priority in 2023.
Thank you for advocating for all children with us,
125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
©2022 U.S. Fund for UNICEF d/b/a UNICEF USA. All rights reserved. All photos ©UNICEF unless otherwise noted
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