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Dear Friend,

Mississippi needs a boost. To make our state properly competitive, we need to reduce the tax burden.
The best way to get our state economy growing is to abolish the state income tax – like they did in Tennessee, Texas, and Florida.
In this short video, we tell the tale of two different tax plans; one of which will boost our state and the other that won’t.

Click here to hear the Tale of Two Tax Plans!

As Mississippi’s leading conservative think tank, we produce a steady stream of high-impact policy papers. I am delighted that over 90,000 Mississippians have now read this report on the education paper we published a few days ago.

In this year's legislative session lawmakers might not have done much to change the education system in our state. The fact that tens of thousands of Mississippians are interested in our policy proposals suggests to me that change is nevertheless coming.
Have a great weekend!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps.  With Spring on the way, I’m getting ready to start growing vegetables.  My first efforts underway …..  
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