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Emergency Situation Ukraine - Video update from C4I team

“Shellfire shakes eastern Ukraine”, “‘Very high’ risk Russia will invade Ukraine within days”, “US: Russia ‘seeking excuse’ to invade Ukraine.” Just a few headlines that we can read on news sites over the past few days. In short: the situation in Ukraine is getting out of hand.

Of course this has a great impact on the work of Christians for Israel in Ukraine. That is why we are issuing this video update! In this update you will hear from several members of the Christians for Israel Ukraine team: Koen Carlier, Nataliya Krishanovski, Alina Gryadchenko.

Looking to the future

Our priority now is to continue to pack and distribute food parcels. Since January our team has distributed 5,000 food parcels and our goal is to distribute 5,000 more very soon.  In addition, we are constantly monitoring the situation at the airports so that the Jewish people who are planning to leave can actually go to Israel.

We are strengthened by the knowledge that the Mighty One of Israel holds everything in His hand. As Corrie ten Boom so beautifully put it:

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”

Emergency Campaign

Would you like to support the Jewish communities in Ukraine? You can do so by supporting our emergency campaign.

The cost of a food parcel is € 10 / US $ 11.
For € 135 / US $ 160 you make it possible for one person to leave for Israel.


Any amount is welcome! Your gift will be used where it is needed most.
Heart and Soul | “The Signs of the Times”
with Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer 

There is only one verse in the Bible that speaks about the heart and soul of God. There are many verses that speak about the heart and soul of human beings, but only one that tells us what’s in the heart and soul of the Most High. Jeremiah 21:41 says: ‘I will surely gather them from all the lands (…) I will bring them back to this place and let them live in safety (…) I will assuredly plant them in this land with all My heart and soul.’ If His heart and His soul are fully committed to bringing His people home to His land, shouldn’t our hearts and souls be committed to that process as well?


Zechariah 2:6-7

“Up! Up! Flee from the land of the north, declares the Lord. For I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heavens, declares the Lord.
Up! Escape to Zion, you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon.”
Christians for Israel 
P.O. Box 1100
3860 BC Nijkerk
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 33 422 04 05
Our mission is to bring Biblical understanding in the Church and among the nations concerning God’s purposes for Israel and to promote comfort of Israel through prayer and action.

Our vision is to establish a global network of Christians having local impact, for the blessing of the nation of Israel, the Jewish people and the Church. 

Support our Ministry
Bank: ABN-AMRO Bank, Nijkerk, The Netherlands
Account Holder: Christians for Israel International
EURO € Account: NL 57 ABNA 05245.05.209
USD $ Account No: NL 12 ABNA 06275.15.460
BIC/Swift code : A B N A N L 2 A

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