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We wanted to make sure you saw the below email from Team Todd.

If you can't wait to unleash a RED WAVE and take back the U.S. Senate this November, consider chipping in!

—Indiana Republican Party
Joe Biden has failed us.

Biden has outdone himself with terrible policy after terrible policy. His open borders agenda has led to the worst border crisis in American history. His pro-abortion agenda threatens the sanctity of life. His Green New Deal agenda would eliminate American jobs and destroy our energy independence. And to pass this socialist agenda, he wants to eliminate the filibuster.

We can stop this. Friend, if you can’t wait to vote for a RED WAVE in 2022 and stop Biden’s disastrous agenda, please help us out raise the well-funded Democrats:

Chip in $10 ➡
Chip in $25 ➡
Chip in $50 ➡
Chip in $100 ➡

2022 is our only chance to reclaim the Senate and stop the socialist Biden-Harris agenda. And with that, we can secure the border, protect the sanctity of life, and defend American energy independence.   Friend, will you stand with Senate Republicans today by chipping in $10 or more?   —Team Todd
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