PFAW Member, Now is your last chance to contact your senators and urge them to OPPOSE radical judicial nominee, Steven Menashi. Menashi will receive a final floor vote this afternoon, so we need to ramp up the pressure as much as possible ahead of the vote. We must let senators know that a vote to confirm Menashi is unacceptable and we WILL remember it on Election Day. Don't wait! Add your name to STOP Menashi now>> Thanks for all that you do, - Zach ----[previous message]---- PFAW Member, Trump has nominated Steven Menashi for a lifetime seat on the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Despite already having a deeply troubling record, during Senate questioning Menashi refused to provide answers to basic questions regarding his involvement in helping to shape policy in the Trump administration. It's no surprise Menashi has been nominated by the Trump administration to the federal judiciary. Menashi's abhorrent record of opposing and undermining equity for communities that have been marginalized is one that any ultraconservative Trump Republican would applaud. He has expressed blatant hostility towards the LGBTQ+ community, women, lower-income families, Muslims, and immigrants expressed in countless writings from the 1990s and 2000s. Just the kind of person who the Trump administration would want to employ. While serving in the Trump administration, Menashi has worked alongside White House aide Stephen Miller to advance xenophobic and racist immigration policies of the Trump administration and he has enabled Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos's controversial and harmful agenda; including what many presume to be his work to help develop regulations that make it more difficult for survivors of sexual assault to make a report on their experience. Perhaps most troubling, Menashi is now also refusing to answer questions regarding any involvement he may have had in the events around Trump's attempts to pressure Ukraine (and other governments) into investigating his political opponents. Tell the Senate to oppose Steven Menashi -- sign and send the petition today!!>> Thank you, - Zach, PFAW