Hello, John! My name is Jessica Mason. First and foremost, I’m a daughter of Dallas. South Dallas raised me, and Washington will never change me.

I’m running for Congress in Texas’ 30th Congressional District because I know what it’s like to go through the struggles that so many working-class Americans face. Growing up housing insecure and food insecure in a poor Black neighborhood, my community was set up to fail by design. And I was able to escape poverty and complete my college degree by enlisting in the Navy.

There is no archetype for what it means to be a veteran. Veterans are diverse and come from a variety of backgrounds and reasons for serving. For me, the Navy was my path to upward mobility.

However, one common thread that all service members share is the oath we took to always “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

As a Navy veteran and an active-duty military wife, this is an oath I continue to honor. I’ve dedicated my entire career to public service, and I intend to bring that same service-oriented commitment to Congress. If elected, I will be the first Black female veteran in Congress.

Having the endorsement of Serve America means so much to me, and I’m grateful to be a part of their coalition to transform Congress. By electing a new generation of leaders from diverse service backgrounds, we can work to build a government that prioritizes the needs and interests of everyday Americans above all else.

My primary election is in just 11 days, and if we’re going to ensure that we elect leaders who reflect our people-first values, I need you in this fight alongside us, John.

Can we count on you to split a donation of $100, $75, or even $50 right away between my campaign and Serve America to help strengthen our mission of electing more service-oriented leaders in Congress?

In Solidarity,
Jessica Mason
Candidate for U.S. Congress, TX-30