Our first campaigns launch today, and there are more to come.
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Dear friend,

We’ve enjoyed hearing from so many of you who said you’re ready to write letters for the 2022 midterm elections. Today, we’re thrilled to announce: It’s time to get started. Vote Forward’s first 2022 letter writing campaigns are here.

Why now? Starting early gives us time to write more letters and reach more voters. And with so much at stake, there’s no time to spare. Here’s what you can expect in 2022:

  • We’ll be writing “please vote” letters to voters all year, keeping them stockpiled somewhere safe, and then mailing them on the same day in late October—just before the midterm elections, when research shows your letters have the greatest impact.
  • New: For volunteers focusing their efforts on U.S. House races, we have campaigns targeting Democratic-leaning voters at the congressional district level, with new campaigns added as redistricting maps are finalized and after primaries are held.
  • New: We’ll be adding high-priority voters to campaigns throughout the year, so don’t be surprised if the voter counts displayed on the website go up and down as voters are added to and “adopted” from campaigns over time.
  • New: With more campaigns available than ever before, we’ve updated our website to make our letter writing campaigns easier to identify and navigate, with clearer labeling and a new way to filter campaigns by target state.
  • Plus: New programs and experiments; we’ll email you when these are ready.

Start writing letters today by visiting your Vote Forward dashboard. Remember: Hold your letters until our mail date in late October. Letters mailed now will not work to boost voter turnout this fall.

Write letters to voters

To see all available letter writing campaigns, click the “View all active campaigns” link on your dashboard or see our Active Campaigns page.

Writing letters this year, you’ll be strengthening our democracy by encouraging millions of voters to make their voices heard on Election Day. Thank you for being part of this important work.

–The Vote Forward Team

P.S. As you get started, remember (and tell your friends!): These letters work—and in a big way! Vote Forward's letter writing program in 2020 was among the highest-impact, most effective voter turnout programs ever measured in a presidential election.

P.P.S. If you're new to Vote Forward letter writing—or it's been a while—please review our How-To page before you log in to get started.


Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.

Make a donation

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Vote Forward
611 Pennsylvania Ave SE #192
Washington, DC 20003

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