Friends -
We're facing a bit of a problem and we're hoping you can help.
As of this morning, we are 24,218 donations behind where we were at this point in October.
Now that might sound like a lot of donations. But our campaign can close the gap in a single day – as long as lots of people chip in.
And if you can make your first contribution today, you'll put us on a path to win Iowa, New Hampshire, and the states that follow. How about it?
You know Bernie. He doesn't go around the country holding private fundraising events to ask the billionaire class for money.
This campaign is funded by more than one million people who have made millions of donations to build our movement across the country.
That is the only way we will win this election and transform our country, which is why we're asking you directly:
Can you make your first $2.70 contribution to stand with Bernie today?
No other campaign in the history of American politics has received as many donations from as many people as we have at this point in the primary. And that is exactly why we are in a strong position to win this race.
If we keep it up, we will be unstoppable in 2020.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie