From DFP Newsletter <[email protected]>
Subject this newsletter was josh safdie's muse in uncut gems
Date February 18, 2022 9:09 PM
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The top stressor in people’s lives – besides Euphoria’s Nate Jacobs ([link removed]) – is money.

Are you stressed? Us too. And a new Data for Progress analysis ([link removed]) finds you’re not alone. But it’s not just that voters are stressed — they’re stressed about money specifically, A majority of the voting population is stressed by money, and that Americans attribute their financial stress to politicians and corporations.

According to the analysis, financial insecurity stood out clearly as the one thing that causes voters from all backgrounds the most stress in life. Fifty-six percent of national likely voters report feeling financial stress on a regular basis, and the number is starker across racial identities: More than three out of every four Latino/a voters and 61 percent of Black voters say their personal or family financial situation regularly causes them stress.

What’s more, voters are mostly united in finding politicians and corporations at fault: By a +15-point margin, Americans believe that their financial stress stems from corporations and politicians preventing a fair distribution of wealth. And a majority hold the federal government and corporations responsible for fixing the mistakes they made.

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For a full analysis, read here ([link removed]) .

** Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:

Voters want a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine crisis

Earlier this month we told you about polling finding a majority of Americans support a diplomatic deal with Russia, mainly because war is unpopular with literally everyone besides Congressional Republicans. In additional polling released this week, we find that voters support a variety of diplomatic and economic measures, including sending aid to Ukraine and imposing sanctions on the Russian economy. But a majority of voters – 58 percent – largely reject the prospect of the United States taking military action in the region. This includes almost two-thirds of Independents and Republicans.

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Read the full analysis here ([link removed]) .

It’s Past Time for a Black Woman to Join the Supreme Court — And Voters Agree

Republicans were successful in radically changing the makeup of the Supreme Court for years to come through the appointments of Merrick-Garland’s-Stolen-Seat-Taker Neil Gorsuch, Br*tt K*v*n**gh, and Aunt Coney Barrett, all but ensuring its conservative bent for decades to come. If Democrats want any hope of undoing this, they’ll have to be just as aggressive. Previous Data for Progress polling finds support ([link removed]) for expanding the size of the Supreme Court, but for now, the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer provides a pivotal opportunity for the White House to try and reshape the court. President Biden pledged to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court if a seat were to open up, and by a +38-point margin, voters support ([link removed]) that pledge. A majority of
voters also want the Senate to call a vote on confirming the nominee as soon as they are announced.

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Check out the full analysis here ([link removed]) .

Trust levels vary across government agencies

As a whole, voters have low levels of trust in the government – particularly the House and Senate. But new Data for Progress analysis ([link removed]) shows greater variance of trust levels among different agencies. In particular, the U.S. armed forces are most trusted by voters across the board to hold the nation’s best interests at heart – but the same cannot be said for law enforcement. While white people are most likely to believe that state and local law enforcement can be trusted to protect them and the country, Black and Latino populations do not hold the same level of confidence.

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Check out the full analysis here ([link removed]) .
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** This Week from DFP

Memo: Corporate Crackdown Project: Report — Commerce and Transportation ([link removed])

Memo: Texas’ Grid Resiliency in a Changing Climate ([link removed])

Blog: Sen. Schumer: It’s Time to Make It in America ([link removed])

Blog: Voters Support Federal Investments to Reduce Pollution From the Manufacturing Sector ([link removed])

Blog:In Dealing With Ukraine, Voters Want to Avoid War With Russia ([link removed])

Blog: Analyzing Public Trust in Government Agencies ([link removed])

Blog: American Voters of All Backgrounds Face Financial Stress, Demand Restitution From Corporations and Politicians ([link removed])

Blog: Voters Do Not Support Banning Books from School Curriculums ([link removed])

DFP In The News

Forbes: Student Loan Forgiveness: ‘We’re Going To Win’ Says Top Democrat, As Poll Shows Broad Support For Debt Cancellation ([link removed])
The Hill: Mellman: The issue that US policymakers must focus on — right now ([link removed])
The Washington Post: Opinion: Virginia Republicans risk overreach in rolling back criminal justice reforms ([link removed])
NBC: The hottest new issue on the campaign trail: Lawmakers' stock trades ([link removed])
Vox: Democratic governors are trying to move on from a pandemic that’s still happening ([link removed])
Yahoo: Arizona Democrats battle to re-elect Sen. Mark Kelly amid Trump-fueled GOP infighting ([link removed])
E&E News: Mark Kelly tackles gas prices, drought to blunt midterm threat ([link removed])
California Healthline: Covid Still Threatens Millions of Americans. Why Are We So Eager to Move On? ([link removed])
Fox 5: Most Americans want student loan payment pause extended until 2023, poll shows ([link removed])
Truthout: Ocasio-Cortez Says Canceling Student Debt Should Be Top Priority for Biden ([link removed])
Diverse Education: Polls Shows Broad Public Support in Reduction or Removal of Student Loans ([link removed])
Common Dreams: 'Manchin Has Probably Doomed the Party': Support for Dems Dips After Child Tax Credit Killed ([link removed])
Daily Kos: Conservatives like to say student debt forgiveness isn't popular, but that's simply not true ([link removed])
The American Prospect: Re-Engineering Our Supply Chains ([link removed])

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