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Ilhan for Congress

Team — Unions put power where it belongs: in the hands of workers.

Every single worker deserves to have a dignified, safe workplace, and unions play a huge role in making that kind of workplace a reality.

As a former union member, I’ve seen firsthand the power of workers organizing together — my union was the reason we secured good benefits and fair wages.

Now, we’re seeing more and more young people rise up and unionize for a better workplace — especially as the pandemic has exacerbated already unfair conditions.

Last weekend, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and I stood in solidarity with Twin Cities teachers and educators as they continued their union negotiations for fair wages and better school conditions — including smaller class sizes and more staff.

Ilhan Omar and Attorney General Keith Ellison

Workers at two Starbucks locations in the Twin Cities just announced that they’re joining the wave of Starbucks workers across the country in demanding union recognition. I was honored to meet with Minneapolis workers and offer my support.

Ilhan Omar with Starbucks workers planning to unionize.

I also proudly signed on to Congressman Andy Levin’s resolution to protect congressional staff’s right to organize and bargain collectively — it’s past time for workers on Capitol Hill to benefit from the protection and support unions offer.

From working to pass legislation to protect the right to organize, to standing alongside workers on the picket line, I will always fight to support workers and unions.

Let’s show the power of a collective. If you agree that every worker deserves a union, add your name next to mine:


Thank you — when we organize, we win.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar