A permanent resident and Iranian military vet
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Iranian Engineer in US Sent Tech Secrets Back to Iran: FBI
A permanent resident and Iranian military vet
News Analysis
Will the Saudis New Foreign University Law Be Another Influence Op?
Or have they renounced extremism, as they say
CAIR's Goal: 30 Islamists into Congress
Pushing the Ilhan Omar agenda
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Farewell Don Cherry & Goodbye to Free Speech in Canada
Since when has truth become toxic? asks Raheel Raza
Readers Write
AOC Links White Supremacy to Climate Change
“I am so tired of this group stretching any idea, fact or delusion and trying to make any other way of thinking evil.”
- L.K.
Here’s a List of 100 Members of Congress Supporting CAIR
“Too bad that they do not really 'CARE' about the citizens that they profess to love. Hypocrites!”
- B.B.
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