WIN! HPV or meningitis vaccine
requirement bill will not move forward this year!
A Voice for Choice Advocacy has sounded the warning for the past few months that at least five BAD vaccine related bills being considered for the 2022 legislative session. With today being the last day for the introduction of bills, we have a good idea of what bills will be moving forward, but we will not have the final count until Friday, March 18 when the language for Spot Bills will be finalized. AVFCA will send out an email with a summary of the nine BAD bills that have been introduced on Monday.
But in the mean time AVFCA wanted to let you know some good news! One of the proposed bad bills to be introduced by Asm Aguilar-Curry would have required the HPV and meningitis vaccines for all high school students in CA. Our lobbyists, and those AVFCA is friendly with at the California Catholic Conference, had conversations with the bill author's office sharing our concerns and opposition to this proposed bill to a point that it has been changed completely. There will not be a bill introduced this year that would require the HPV or meningitis vaccine for anyone. The bill will now require all health care policies to provide the HPV vaccine without cost sharing. (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2516)
A huge thank you goes out to our lobbyists, Roxanne Gould and Marc Burgat, who worked to make this happen, and who will help A Voice for Choice Advocacy fight the other bad bills this year. While they are not cheap, they are worth their weight in gold!
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
