
The issues plaguing the U.S. Postal Service haven’t gone away — in fact, they’ve only gotten worse. This week, I’ve been hearing from people who are only just now receiving holiday cards sent by friends and family back in December. That was two months ago!

Last year, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy implemented changes in the U.S. Postal Service that dramatically slowed mail delivery service across the country. This hit rural communities like mine especially hard, since we had trouble getting timely delivery service to begin with.

I’ve called for Postmaster DeJoy to fix the delays in the Postal Service, but they haven’t let up.

This is unacceptable — and it’s exactly why Congress should immediately act to pass my Postal Reform Act. This legislation will strengthen the Postal Service’s finances, guaranteeing mail delivery six days a week, and increasing transparency so we can identify and solve problems as they arise.

This legislation would be a game changer for rural communities like mine, and would make a difference for folks across the country. If you’re with me, please add your name to my petition demanding Congress immediately pass my Postal Reform Act. >>


Thanks for your support on this.

— Jon