Good afternoon friend,


Lord Forsyth will soon be tabling an amendment to the Health and Care Bill in the House of Lords supporting our efforts to change the law on assisted dying.  


This amendment could be voted on any time from the 28th February, giving us less than two weeks to reach Peers. Please lend the campaign half an hour and write to Peers today using our template.



Before the Second Reading of the Meacher Bill last year thousands of supporters like you wrote in support. The impact was enormous. Throughout the debate Peers referenced letters they’d received as evidence of the need for law change. We need this backing again to support Lord Forsyth’s amendment. 



To be as effective as possible, it is important that every letter you send:

  • Is personal, polite and persuasive, containing the key reasons why you support a change in the law 
  • Includes any personal experience that you’re willing to share of the current law not working 
  • Ends with a request – be explicit and ask the Peers you’re contacting to attend the Report Stage debate and vote in support of the amendment. 



We have developed an online template for you to use that will randomly assign you three Peers and provide their full names and addresses. All you have to do is write the letter as prompted, then press DOWNLOAD 1, DOWNLOAD 2, DOWNLOAD 3 - and each letter will be fully formatted and ready for you to print and send. 


It’s important that this is a letter sent in the post and not an email as Peers don’t have the same administrative support that MPs do and an email is more likely to get lost - or simply not be read at all. 


Thank you in advance for taking the time to write and let us know if and when you receive any responses. 


All best wishes,


Sadie Kempner 

Dignity in Dying


P.S. You can send any responses from Peers to [email protected] or mail them to Dignity in Dying, 181 Oxford Street, London, W1D 2JT. Thank you.



Our campaign is powered by our supporters - like you. We’re 100% funded by individual donations, so we can keep fighting, together, to change the law on assisted dying in the UK. Could you chip in today?


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Dignity in Dying
181 Oxford Street
London, England W1D 2JT
United Kingdom
