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Dear John,
I just sent your *ANNUAL MEMBER SURVEY [ [link removed] ]* to you in the mail. In my accompanying letter, I explain how your response to this survey, as a CAGW member-in-good-standing, has never been more important.
John, next year is going to be pivotal as we continue to work with the Trump Administration to advance our limited-government agenda and battle the Washington Establishment that is lined up in solidarity against President Trump's efforts to "drain the swamp." I want to make sure CAGW's work during this key period is guided by members like you who have helped us wage war on business-as-usual in Washington.
That is why your answers to CAGW's *ANNUAL MEMBER SURVEY [ [link removed] ]* are so crucial right now. I am counting on you to give me your honest insights to help me finalize and implement our Battle Plan for 2018 so that it will continue to reflect your foremost priorities.
John, after you complete your survey, I'm also counting on you to *make a tax-deductible contribution* [ [link removed] ] so CAGW can head into 2018 ready to build on the success YOU have made possible this year, highlight the issues YOU feel are most important, and implement the strategies YOU think will be most effective in spreading our message of fiscal responsibility.
Every dollar you give to CAGW is an investment in helping the Trump Administration succeed in transforming Washington's culture of waste, taking on the special interests, and stopping the self-serving politicians.
As we begin to finalize CAGW's Battle Plan for 2018, I urgently need your survey answers. Please complete your *ANNUAL MEMBER SURVEY [ [link removed] ]* and *make a **tax-deductible contribution* [ [link removed] ] of *$ [ [link removed] ]*, *$ [ [link removed] ]*, or even *$ [ [link removed] ]* to help us fight for the recommendations that you have made. "Thank you. "
Thomas A. Schatz
P.S. John, I urge you, before you do anything else, take part in our *ANNUAL MEMBER SURVEY [ [link removed] ]* and *make your largest possible contribution today* [ [link removed] ]. We need your help to set CAGW's policy agenda for 2018 and to give us the financial firepower necessary to end the wasteful spending that is placing a crushing burden of debt on our children and grandchildren.
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Citizens Against Government Waste is the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than one million members and supporters nationwide. It is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CAGW are tax-deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law. For more information about CAGW, visit our website at Make a contribution to CAGW today to help fight the war on waste [ [link removed] ].
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1100 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20004 | 202-467-5300