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Dear John,

Today is Give to the Max Day, and we hope you’ll consider celebrating by making a donation to Fresh Energy.

Fresh Energy is speeding Minnesota’s transition to a clean energy economy, and it can’t come soon enough. Without swift, bold action to reduce carbon emissions, we will see more extreme weather and more threats to our health, our communities, and our future.

In fact, 2019 was our wettest year on record, and caused crop damage and flooding across the state. Extreme weather patterns can bring many added public health risks—like increased rates of Lyme disease and asthma. But it’s not too late to make the changes we need to protect our children from the worst effects of the climate crisis.

What does the future hold? You can help write the next chapter of Minnesota’s story with a gift to Fresh Energy.

Using sound science and policy expertise, Fresh Energy is advancing solutions at the scale of climate change—solutions that will improve quality of life for all Minnesotans and build an economy where all can thrive.

Our team is working as quickly as possible to:
  • Make 100% carbon-free electricity a reality in the state
  • Move our cars and buildings off of oil and gas
  • Usher in the next generation of energy conservation
  • Ensure the transition to clean energy includes equity and access for all
Your gift to Fresh Energy will help speed the bold, inclusive transition to a clean energy economy in Minnesota. There is no time to waste. Will you step up and take action for the health of future generations, our communities, and our planet? Donate now and help write the next chapter of Minnesota’s story.

Michael Noble 
Executive Director

P.S. Did you know that every donation made to Fresh Energy on will be entered in special drawings that could award Fresh Energy a prize grant ranging in value from $500 to $10,000? Imagine the impact your contribution could make!

P.P.S. We apologize if your gift and this email have crossed paths—we appreciate your support!
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Fresh Energy
408 Saint Peter Street, Suite 220
Saint Paul, MN 55102

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