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February 17, 2022

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Lamont's (and Tong's) School Construction Corruption Deniability Falling Like a House of Cards


While the people of Connecticut have been wondering when their lives will get back to normal and when the government and Governor Lamont will understand that freedom is our inalienable right, it is not "earned," the FBI's investigation into the corruption allegations with former OPM Undersecretary Kosta Diamantis has Governor Lamont pining for the "good old days" when he could blame the legislative Democrats for Connecticut's problems.


The Connecticut Mirror recently reported that OPM Secretary Melissa McCaw and outgoing state Chief Operating Officer Josh Geballe were both informed of the issues surrounding the nefarious awarding of school construction contracts by Diamantis a year ago. The article also notes that complaints were brought all the way to Connecticut Attorney General William Tong, referring to “...several school construction projects throughout Connecticut, Garcia accused OPM of using its authority over the school grants to steer between $10 million and $20 million in state-financed construction work to a select group of companies.”


“The best thing that has happened to Ned Lamont was his being able to get on a plane and fly halfway around the world to escape this disaster,” said Connecticut Republican Party Chairman Ben Proto referring to the Israel trip Governor Lamont took recently. “The only thing that Governor Lamont has ‘zero tolerance’ for is people questioning his management - and credible questions multiply with each passing day."


“Connecticut residents are facing the crushing pressures of inflation, constantly fearing for the safety of their families and property, and are clamoring for the end of the oppressive pandemic policies. Instead of a state government focused on these issues, we are dealing with an administration embroiled in and distracted by their own scandals. Connecticut deserves leadership that will make our government transparent and accountable. We need a leader who can keep their eye on the ball and make meaningful improvements - not just empty apologies and campaign-year promises - and that's not Ned Lamont," concluded Proto.



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