Friend, our mission for 2022 is clear.
WHAT WE WANT: To defeat the radical Biden agenda to get America back on track, our people back to work, and our nation back to building a better future for our kids.
HOW WE DO IT: Take back the Senate with real conservative fighters in key states like Ohio.
And friend, the path to victory is simple. We must gain at least one more seat in the Senate. That’s it. One key victory and Joe Biden’s majority is OVER.
But we need YOU to make it happen. Will you chip in now to TAKE BACK THE SENATE? Friend, we’ve seen what a liberal majority has to offer.
With control of the White House and Congress, Joe Biden and his pals Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have been running this country into the ground.
2022 is our chance to do something about it.
If we take back the Senate this year, they can’t FORCE liberal economic policies on America. They can’t continue with their division, their mandates, and their out of control spending. We can finally hold them accountable.
We hope you’ll chip in RIGHT NOW to make sure our mission is successful:
Thank you.
-Protect Ohio Values