While businesses were struggling to stay afloat and families were desperate to just keep food on the table during COVID-19, Price was lobbying for Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar infrastructure bill.
While violent protestors were ripping apart cities and burning down businesses, Betsy Price encouraged anti-police BLM protesters to “keep it up” and lobbied Congress for stricter gun control measures.
While the Texas legislature was working to Stand for Life and put an end to abortion in Texas, Betsy Price was raising tens of thousands of dollars for Planned Parenthood. And during the COVID-19 crisis, she closed down businesses and churches, but allowed abortion clinics to remain open.
While Fort Worth residents were struggling with the burden of historic tax rates, Betsy Price was giving Facebook $147 million dollars… for just 40 jobs in return.
Under Price’s leadership, Fort Worth went from being a solidly Republican City to a solidly Democrat City. We cannot allow her to do the same to Tarrant County as a whole.